CSS: Parse Error.
CSS: “grid-template-columns”: Too many values or values are not recognized.
CSS: “grid-template-rows”: Too many values or values are not recognized.
Bad value “” for attribute “media” on element “style”: Media query ended prematurely.
CSS: The @charset rule may only occur at the start of the style sheet. Please check that there are no spaces before it..
CSS: Unknown pseudo-element or pseudo-class “:where”
CSS: “overflow”: “clip” is not a “overflow” value.
CSS: Unknown pseudo-element or pseudo-class “:has”
CSS: “backdrop-filter”: Property “backdrop-filter” doesn't exist.
CSS: “scrollbar-color”: Property “scrollbar-color” doesn't exist.
CSS: “scrollbar-gutter”: Property “scrollbar-gutter” doesn't exist.
CSS: “scrollbar-width”: Property “scrollbar-width” doesn't exist.
CSS: Unknown pseudo-element or pseudo-class “:focus-visible”
CSS: “right”: Parse Error.
CSS: “top”: Parse Error.
CSS: “padding”: “clamp(1rem,20rem)” is not a “padding” value.
CSS: “rotate”: Property “rotate” doesn't exist.
CSS: “inset”: Property “inset” doesn't exist.
CSS: “margin-inline-end”: Property “margin-inline-end” doesn't exist.
CSS: “margin-inline-start”: Property “margin-inline-start” doesn't exist.
CSS: “padding-top”: “clamp(47px,3.79464vw,51px)” is not a “padding-top” value.
CSS: “padding-bottom”: “clamp(60px,5.28274vw,71px)” is not a “padding-bottom” value.
CSS: “font-size”: “clamp(30px,2.97619vw,40px)” is not a “font-size” value.
CSS: “min-height”: “clamp(30px,2.97619vw,40px)” is not a “min-height” value.
CSS: “width”: “clamp(230px,21.57738vw,290px)” is not a “width” value.
CSS: “width”: “clamp(230px,31.25vw,420px)” is not a “width” value.
CSS: “padding-block”: Property “padding-block” doesn't exist.
CSS: “row-gap”: “clamp(46px,4.7619vw,64px)” is not a “row-gap” value.
CSS: “width”: “clamp(160px,20.83333vw,280px)” is not a “width” value.
CSS: “font-size”: “clamp(30px,3.57143vw,48px)” is not a “font-size” value.
CSS: “padding-bottom”: “clamp(37px,4.83631vw,65px)” is not a “padding-bottom” value.
CSS: “column-gap”: “clamp(77px,7.44048vw,100px)” is not a “column-gap” value.
CSS: “margin-bottom”: “clamp(43px,3.72024vw,50px)” is not a “margin-bottom” value.
CSS: “padding-top”: “clamp(18px,1.6369vw,22px)” is not a “padding-top” value.
CSS: “padding-bottom”: “clamp(18px,1.6369vw,22px)” is not a “padding-bottom” value.
CSS: “column-gap”: “clamp(11px,1.4881vw,20px)” is not a “column-gap” value.
CSS: “width”: “clamp(43px,5.95238vw,80px)” is not a “width” value.
CSS: “height”: “clamp(43px,5.95238vw,80px)” is not a “height” value.
CSS: “font-size”: “clamp(17px,2.38095vw,32px)” is not a “font-size” value.
CSS: “font-size”: “clamp(8px,1.19048vw,16px)” is not a “font-size” value.
CSS: “padding-inline”: Property “padding-inline” doesn't exist.
CSS: “font-size”: “clamp(20px,2.38095vw,32px)” is not a “font-size” value.
CSS: “font-size”: “clamp(16px,1.33929vw,18px)” is not a “font-size” value.
CSS: “font-size”: “clamp(41px,4.46429vw,60px)” is not a “font-size” value.
CSS: “aspect-ratio”: Property “aspect-ratio” doesn't exist.
CSS: “font-size”: “clamp(12px,1.19048vw,16px)” is not a “font-size” value.
CSS: “font-size”: “clamp(27px,5.20833vw,70px)” is not a “font-size” value.
CSS: “font-size”: “clamp(13px,1.33929vw,18px)” is not a “font-size” value.
CSS: “grid-template-columns”: “Min(400px,100%)” is not a “grid-template-columns” value.
CSS: “font-size”: “clamp(27px,2.67857vw,36px)” is not a “font-size” value.
CSS: “margin-top”: “clamp(40px,7.44048vw,100px)” is not a “margin-top” value.
CSS: “padding-bottom”: “clamp(40px,7.44048vw,100px)” is not a “padding-bottom” value.
CSS: “margin-bottom”: “clamp(37px,4.83631vw,65px)” is not a “margin-bottom” value.
CSS: “margin-bottom”: “clamp(24px,2.23214vw,30px)” is not a “margin-bottom” value.
CSS: “row-gap”: “clamp(46px,6.25vw,84px)” is not a “row-gap” value.
CSS: “margin-bottom”: “clamp(50px,5.95238vw,80px)” is not a “margin-bottom” value.
CSS: “margin-bottom”: “clamp(10px,2.00893vw,27px)” is not a “margin-bottom” value.
CSS: “font-size”: “clamp(10px,1.33929vw,18px)” is not a “font-size” value.
CSS: “margin-bottom”: Parse Error.
CSS: “height”: “clamp(5px,0.74405vw,10px)” is not a “height” value.
CSS: “font-size”: “clamp(40px,3.57143vw,48px)” is not a “font-size” value.
CSS: “font-size”: “clamp(20px,2.08333vw,28px)” is not a “font-size” value.
CSS: “font-size”: “clamp(13px,1.19048vw,16px)” is not a “font-size” value.
CSS: “margin”: “clamp(50px,5.95238vw,80px)” is not a “margin” value.
CSS: “font-size”: “clamp(14px,1.78571vw,24px)” is not a “font-size” value.
CSS: “row-gap”: “clamp(35px,4.09226vw,55px)” is not a “row-gap” value.
CSS: “margin-top”: “clamp(35px,4.09226vw,55px)” is not a “margin-top” value.
CSS: “padding”: “clamp(40px,4.46429vw,60px)” is not a “padding” value.
CSS: “font-size”: “clamp(32px,3.125vw,42px)” is not a “font-size” value.
CSS: “gap”: “clamp(40px,7.44048vw,100px)” is not a “gap” value.
CSS: “margin-bottom”: “clamp(40px,4.46429vw,60px)” is not a “margin-bottom” value.
CSS: “gap”: “clamp(13px,1.4881vw,20px)” is not a “gap” value.
CSS: “width”: “clamp(55px,5.95238vw,80px)” is not a “width” value.
CSS: “height”: “clamp(55px,5.95238vw,80px)” is not a “height” value.
CSS: “font-size”: “clamp(24px,2.60417vw,35px)” is not a “font-size” value.
CSS: “grid-template-columns”: “Min(180px,100%)” is not a “grid-template-columns” value.
CSS: “grid-template-columns”: “Min(320px,100%)” is not a “grid-template-columns” value.
CSS: “font-size”: “clamp(22px,1.93452vw,26px)” is not a “font-size” value.
CSS: “margin-bottom”: “clamp(40px,7.44048vw,100px)” is not a “margin-bottom” value.
CSS: “margin-bottom”: “clamp(35px,5.95238vw,80px)” is not a “margin-bottom” value.
CSS: “padding”: “clamp(24px,2.97619vw,40px)” is not a “padding” value.
CSS: “font-size”: “clamp(36px,4.16667vw,56px)” is not a “font-size” value.
CSS: “margin-bottom”: “clamp(5px,0.74405vw,10px)” is not a “margin-bottom” value.
CSS: “font-size”: “clamp(26px,3.57143vw,48px)” is not a “font-size” value.
CSS: “padding”: “clamp(35px,3.72024vw,50px)” is not a “padding” value.
CSS: “font-size”: “clamp(37px,2.97619vw,40px)” is not a “font-size” value.
CSS: “width”: Parse Error.
CSS: “padding”: “clamp(26px,2.97619vw,40px)” is not a “padding” value.
CSS: “font-size”: “clamp(22px,3.57143vw,48px)” is not a “font-size” value.
CSS: “font-size”: “clamp(16px,2.38095vw,32px)” is not a “font-size” value.
CSS: “font-size”: “clamp(14px,2.00893vw,27px)” is not a “font-size” value.
CSS: “height”: Parse Error.
CSS: “grid-template-columns”: “Min(310px,100%)” is not a “grid-template-columns” value.
CSS: “font-size”: “clamp(32px,2.97619vw,40px)” is not a “font-size” value.
CSS: “font-size”: “clamp(18px,1.86012vw,25px)” is not a “font-size” value.
CSS: “padding-top”: “clamp(55px,5.95238vw,80px)” is not a “padding-top” value.
CSS: “padding-bottom”: “clamp(64px,7.14286vw,96px)” is not a “padding-bottom” value.
CSS: “font-size”: “clamp(19px,2.08333vw,28px)” is not a “font-size” value.
CSS: “margin-top”: “clamp(50px,4.83631vw,65px)” is not a “margin-top” value.
CSS: “font-size”: “clamp(13px,1.6369vw,22px)” is not a “font-size” value.
CSS: “height”: “clamp(37px,4.83631vw,65px)” is not a “height” value.
CSS: “row-gap”: “clamp(32px,3.57143vw,48px)” is not a “row-gap” value.
CSS: “column-gap”: “clamp(35px,6.69643vw,90px)” is not a “column-gap” value.
CSS: “grid-template-columns”: “Min(190px,100%)” is not a “grid-template-columns” value.
CSS: “margin-bottom”: “clamp(16px,1.93452vw,26px)” is not a “margin-bottom” value.
CSS: “font-size”: “clamp(16px,1.93452vw,26px)” is not a “font-size” value.
Bad start tag in “img” in “head”.
An “img” element must have an “alt” attribute, except under certain conditions. For details, consult guidance on providing text alternatives for images.
Stray end tag “noscript”.
Stray end tag “head”.
Start tag “body” seen but an element of the same type was already open.
Cannot recover after last error. Any further errors will be ignored.
The “type” attribute for the “style” element is not needed and should be omitted.
The “type” attribute is unnecessary for JavaScript resources.